Tuesday, January 10, 2017

From One Happy Client to the Next: Elpis Gets Results

When a mother of one left home to work out of state at her new job, she was both excited and nervous. Excited that she had a chance to work in a field where she found much opportunity, but nervous because the home she currently owned was to be left vacant with the mortgage still needing to be paid. It quickly became clear that she desperately needed to sell her home. Paying the electricity and utility bills for an extra residence was unsustainable financially. Squatters were quickly becoming an issue, and she was banging her head against a wall thinking about how to secure the property. She desperately needed help to sell home!

For four years, beginning in 2013, she attempted to sell her home through a short sale. All the real estate agents, lawyers and the banks she dealt with were unhelpful, seemingly just taking her money without providing any results. She was ready to give up. After suffering huge financial losses, as well as family hardships, she seemed resigned to her fate; she would never be able to sell her home, and would be foreclosed on. 

In 2016, a glimmer of hope finally appeared after Eitan received and reviewed her file. He immediately began working on her case, handling all aspects of transaction, and keeping all the parties involved in line. All of a sudden, it felt like progress was being made and that someone knowledgeable, who actually cares, is bringing the file towards resolution. Within a year, the file was closed and her home was sold! 

She no longer owns the house, and after four long years has been relieved of her mortgage debt that had racked up hundred’s of thousands of dollars in interest alone. The client states, “By doing this deal, he gave me back my peace of mind. Now I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.” Finally she feels like she can move forward, start rebuilding her credit, and start a new chapter in her life! 

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